Bee Books

Great books for the bee curious! Excellent winter reading(: 

 Nuts and Bolts

The Practical Beekeeper, Beekeeping Naturally by Michael Bush
- This was our bible when we were starting out, couldn't have succeeded without it! The chapters are all available online as well -

The Complete Idiots Guide to Beekeeping by Dean Stiglitz and Laurie Herboldsheimer
- If you want a shorter, easy read that touches on just about everything but doesn't push chemicals, get this great book.

Bee Ambitious

Increase Essentials by Lawrence John Connors
- Lots of reasons and methods for making more bees.

Queen Rearing Essentials by Lawrence John Connors
- Details when you're ready to raise extra queens.

Swarm Essentials by Stephen Repasky
- Lots of great info about catching swarms.

Swarm Traps and Bait Hives by McCartney Taylor
- Little book about making and placing swarm traps.

Comb Honey Production by Roger A. Morse
- A classic from 1978 about a harder than you'd think endeavor.

Top-Bar Beekeeping by Les Crowder and Heather Harrell
- Good information about top bars and beekeeping in general.

The Barefoot Beekeeper by P.J. Chandler
- More information about top bar beekeeping.

Beek Stories

New Observations on the Natural History of Bees by Francis Huber
- For those of you (like Ann:) who have to read every bee book, this treasure first printed in 1806, by a blind beekeeper! who discovered much of what we now know about the honey bee.

Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey by Brother Adam
- One of the great fathers of modern beekeeping, this was first published in 1975 and details Brother Adam's experiments in Great Britain.

Honey Farming by R.O.B. Manley
- Another well-known British beekeeper, Manley's book is for those doing a deep dive into all things honey bee.

The Beekeeper's Lament by Hannah Nordhaus
- This is a fascinating look at the commercial beekeeping world.

Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper by C. Marina Marchese
- This is a fun and informative book about one woman's foray into beekeeping. Marina is the queen bee of honey tasting!

The Big Picture

Honeybee Democracy by Thomas D. Seeley
- Honey bees make decisions based on fact-finding, debating and consensus! Seeley has done extensive research about swarming behavior. This is a must for every beekeeping library!

Two Million Blossoms: Discovering the Medicinal Benefits of Honey by Kirsten S. Traynor, M.S.
- How do health professionals around the world use honey to heal people? Amazing research!

The Bees in Your Backyard by Joseph S. Wilson and Olivia Messinger Carril
- Did you know that the honey bee is only one of four thousand kinds of bees in North America? Get this book with spectacular photos and introduce yourself to all the others!

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