Bee Links

Here's some great resources for beekeepers, because even queen bees need a hand sometimes(:

Sam Comfort's site provides a window into his beekeeping beginnings and his philosophy regarding bees, nature, evolution, you name it! Most of our bees are descended from Sam's phenomenal queens raised in New York. Sam is also a wonderful musician and songwriter!

Michael Bush's site is a great online resource for all kinds of management questions, in particular regarding foundationless and treatment free beekeeping. Michael is located in Nebraska and speaks at beekeeping events throughout the country.

Solomon Parker is a leading advocate of treatment free beekeeping and his website has mulitple management pages. He has a facebook page with thousands of followers, an awesome podcast and Youtube channel, all under the name Treatment Free Beekeeping.

Kirk Webster, located in Vermont, is one of the grandfathers of treatment free beekeeping. His blog offers Kirk's insights into what had happened to American agriculture and society over the years and how that is reflected in the current condition of the honey bee. If you are able, check out one of Kirk's open house events, the dates are on his blog.

Hilary Kearney is based in San Diego and has developed an interesting business model for herself beekeeping in an urban environment. Her site has a blog with excellent management info, spectacular photos by Hilary, and some really nice bee-themed merchandise.

Anita Deeley is based in Beverly, MA. She is a treatment free beekeeper who was a state bee inspector for six years so she offers a unique perspective. Her site has a ton of information!

Rusty Burlew's site is the mother lode of all things bee. It is a gorgeous site featuring amazing photography and eloquent writing by Rusty. The site has an effective search option so you can quickly find which of the many posts has the topic you are wondering about. We especially appreciate her posts on native bees, the unsung heroes of pollination. Rusty is located in the northwest.

Ron Miksha is a wonderful writer and honey bee enthusiast. He was previously a commercial beekeeper in the US and now lives in Canada. On his blog he delves into different aspects of beeing, including fascinating looks at historical topics involving bees. 

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